We know how important it is for you to stay informed. Here you'll find some of the typical questions that we hear from parents and members of our community. Of course, if you don't find what you need here, or if you would like to suggest an update to this site, please contact us at the Nadaburg School office.


How do I register my child at Nadaburg School?

To enroll your child in a Nadaburg District school, contact the office at (623) 388-2321. When you register your child, you will need to bring the following:

  • Birth Certificate or affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate
  • Proof of immunizations
  • Name/Address of previous school
  • Proof of legal custody may also be required

For admission to kindergarten, children must be five (5) years of age prior to September 1st of the current school year. Children registering after 8:30 a.m. may be asked to start school the following morning.

How can I stay informed about Nadaburg School?

You can stay up to date by checking this Web site often. You'll find it is an easy way to stay informed and excited about Nadaburg School. You will also receive notes, calls, and newsletters containing important information. Should you have a question we welcome your call to the Nadaburg School Office at (623) 388-2321

Can I visit my child's school/classroom?

Absolutely, we welcome visiting parents. You may call the office to set up a convenient time for a visit. Involved parents really make a difference, and we love to see you at Nadaburg. We ask that you please report to the office when you arrive at the building. We will give you a visitor's welcome badge and help you with the layout of our school.

Can my child eat breakfast and/or lunch at school?

Yes, the cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch daily. We serve delicious and nutritious meals for our students and guests. For more information, visit our Food Service page.

What is the dress code at Nadaburg?

We care about what our students wear – appearance is part of inspiring our kids to be engaged, energized, and have fun at school. Nadaburg School students dress according to our mandatory uniform policy. You will find the detailed dress code here.

What should I do if my child must be absent?

Parents, please call the school office by 8:30 a.m. if a child is going to be absent from, or late to school. If a child does not arrive at school, we want to be sure he/she is safe with you.

What should we do if my child arrives late?

School officially begins at 8:45 am.  If your child arrives after that time, they will need to come through the front office to get a tardy slip.  If your child gets to school after 9:15 a.m. parents are asked to sign them in at the school office before they join their class.

Can my child go home with a friend after school?

Please inform the school of any change in your child’s transportation before 1:00 p.m. – otherwise your child will need to go home as usual. A student may not ride or walk home with another student or get off at a different bus stop without a note from a parent or a timely call to the office.

When will I have a parent/teacher conference?

Check our School Calendar to see designated Parent/Teacher conference days. Also, please feel free to call and arrange a time to speak with your child's teacher at your convenience. We find that communication between school and home allows us to support each other, so contact your child's teacher whenever you feel a need.

What if my child needs to take medicine at school?

The school nurse may administer medication only if she has a signed parent consent allowing this. You may request this form in the school office. We ask that you list emergency contact numbers for use when parents cannot be reached. Please list at least two people to contact in the event of student illness or injury, and review or update forms as needed or requested. Students may not have prescription or over-the-counter medications in their possession. All medicine should be given to the nurse for proper handling and dispensing. You and your child should keep prescription medication in the current pharmacy container, labeled with your child's name and correct dosage instructions. We ask that you and your child handle over-the-counter medications in the same way. The nurse will call your child from the classroom or cafeteria for timely administration of prescription and other medications.                                                                               

Does Nadaburg offer insurance?   

Arizona offers KidsCare, a free or low-cost health insurance for children who are not on ACCCHS. You can find out more information from the nurse or through the school office.

Our family is struggling - who can help us?

If your current living arrangement is your temporary address due to loss of housing or economic hardship or if you are homeless,there may be help for you and your family with enrollment in school, educational placement for at-risk students, coordinating community social services, and basic school supplies. 

The McKinney-Vento Eligibility Questionnaire forms, available in both English & Spanish, are available in the school office.

To learn more, contact our health office:

Lori Dame
623-388-2321 x2126
[email protected]                                                                                                    

My child is in third grade - what is MOWR and what does it mean to us?

Arizona Revised Statute 15 – 701 states that if data on the third grade statewide reading assessment is available and demonstrates that a student scored “falls far below” the student shall not be promoted from the third grade. There are three exemptions in Arizona Revised Statute 15-701. In accordance with the new law, a school district governing board or the governing body of a charter school is allowed to promote a student who earns a score of “falls far below” on the third grade statewide reading assessment only for the following reasons:

The student is an English Language Learner or Limited English Proficient who has received less than two years of English instruction; or

A student with disabilities has an individualized education plan(IEP), and the IEP-team, which includes the student’s parent/guardian, agrees that promotion is appropriate; or

A student is in the process of a special education referral or evaluation for placement in special education and/or a student who has been diagnosed as having a significant reading impairment, including dyslexia.

How do I know the person teaching my child is highly qualified?

Title 1 - Parent's Right to Know Click here to read a description of parent rights in regards to teacher qualifications.