Library Catalog

Library Catalog Page

You can click on the link below and access the main page for our library catalog. 
From the main page you can click on either site, Nadaburg Elementary or Desert Oasis Elementary. No matter what school you choose, while searching for a title, you can look at both libraries. How cool is that? Just make sure that in the search page, you ask it to search in 'all elementary schools'. You can search by any key word - type in a subject, an author's name, part of the title. It is a very friendly program! 

Also available from the search page are the Resource Lists.  It is right in the middle of the main page, you can see what lists other people have been searching, or you can look at them all. The lists have been created based on our district's required reading lists for each grade, favorite authors, study areas for certain grades, and some of my personal favorites! 

Check back - as I read wonderful books that we have at our campuses, I add them to the lists. My personal lists are: Kehoe's Reads, Kehoe's Picture Books, Kehoe's Non-Fiction and Teacher Reading.

There is also a window with the top 10 books checked out, and books that have just been cataloged into our system.

Want to check to see if the book you're reading has an A/R quiz? Click here to use Accelerated Reader's web site to find out!